Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stella goes to the doctor

Stella had her two month appointment today (we are a little past due because of a conflict in Matt's work schedule and me not having a car) and I had my 6 week check-up (again, very past due). Anyway both of us are great. Stella was 24 inches long and 11lbs 101/2 ounces. She's in the 88th percentile for height and the 34th percentile for weight and 38th percentile for her head. She's a tall, skinny little girl! She hated her shots and screamed for a good five minutes after the whole process but she's been sleeping ever since. I encouraged Matt to come along today because of the dual appointment and shots, but I don't know if I will do that again. Here are the three golden things Matt had to say to the doctor today:

"Is it bad to teach her how to hold the bottle herself?" (Sometimes he tries to get her to hold the bottle while he's feeding her just to be funny, but this made it sound like we were propping it up and leaving her to fend for herself)

"She loves watching TV!" (I had to clarify that NO we do NOT prop her up in front of the TV and leave her to be entertained, but rather how she will turn her head to the TV when we are holding her in the living room)

"So it's okay to let her watch rated "R" movies? (When Dr. was explaining what her vision is like at this age and how she can't see clear very far)

I was relieved that the Dr. laughed at all these things and knew he was joking, but he embarrases me every time we go to an appointment. I love him though, of course. =)

1 comment:

David said...

Nice Matt. There goes Northland Ford's Father of the Year Award. Maybe next time you can ask the doctor if it's safe for her to play with the family puma yet. Or how old she should be before you teach her to mow the lawn. Can babies juggle flaming swords, or just regular swords?

Remember when your dad let Beth drive the suburban home? By herself. When she was 6. Yea, you're his kid.
