Thursday, March 19, 2009

4 month check-up (already?!?!)

We had a rough day today, poor little girl must have had nightmares since her 2 month shots because the second I laid her on the examining table she looked at me, gave me the boo boo lip and started screaming. This was just before the nurse was going to measure her head. Bad start. And it didn't get much better.

The doctor came in and she gave him a little smile and then shyed away. And again, I put her on the table so he could examine her and as soon as her bare back hit the paper she started screaming. Then the doctor held her for a good 15 minutes just so she would know that he wasn't her enemy and she started sucking on his shoulder.

The shots were horrible. She bled a lot, and the nurse said sometimes that happens. Ugh. I am so glad it's over and she fell asleep right when I put her in the carseat. Her Dr. doesn't reccomend giving Tylenol unless she really needs it (and I agree) and she didn't need it with her 2 month shots or today. She's a tough kid. Here are stats:

Height: 25 1/4 inches- 75-90 percentile
Weight: 13lbs 11.5oz -50 percentile
Head: 41 cm- 50 percentile

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