Monday, January 11, 2010

My... toddler:

Can walk, semi-run.

Laughs when she sneezes.

Says "Mmmmm-ma!" when she kisses.

Says "Awww" when something falls down. (A ducky off the bathtub ledge, a cheerio off her tray)

Can say:

Ducky- "Duh-ee"
Momma- "Ma-mom"
Daddy- "Dayee"
Nana- "Nah-na"
Night-Night- "Nigh- Nigh"
Yeah- "Yeeaaah"
No- "NnnO!"
Tre- "Tay-ee"
Hi- "Hi's, Hiiiiiiiiiiii"
Owie - "Owwie"
Tree- "Tee-ee"
Toy- "Toy"
Oh boy- "Oh doooy!"
Tinner- "Ti-er"

If you ask her to get a book, a ducky, or her milk, she will get it for you.

When I take her out of her crib after nap, she has me hug her lamby then she tosses it back into the crib. I'll say "nuk" and she'll take her nuk out of her mouth and toss it in the crib.

She can feed her dolly a bottle.

She likes to organize things. Put small things into a basket or her purse.

Has a lot of expression.

Loves people, is very social exept with strangers. She's very shy around people she doesn't know.

Is down to one bottle at night time.

She loves green beans and oranges. And she likes most foods. She'll try anything.

She loves her mommy and daddy =)

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