Friday, April 23, 2010

Of broken wrists

This week has been quite the week for our family. Monday, Stella decided to take a dive out of her crib and break her wrist. Poor little girl. She will be in a cast for 3-4 weeks, but she hardly notices it's there. She's adjusted really well to using her left arm (she's right handed). We didn't think we'd have to make the bed transition this early, but I guess she had plans of her own!

We are also in the process of purchasing a home. If all goes smoothly, we'd be able to be moved in a month before baby boy is due! It's going to be a lot of work until then, but we're excited for the changes that are around the corner.

And today, we picked up this easel from a garage sale for $15! The other side is a dry-erase board and it has a roll of paper that you can use with it as well for coloring/painting. Stella is a fan!

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