Monday, October 18, 2010

Catching up.

This year will be marked in my memory as one of the most gorgeous Minnesota fall's that we've had in a long time. The sunny days and the crisp air, the smell of the trees and the perfect temperature reminds me why this is my favorite time of year. It's been a lot of fun to see Stella enjoy the changes in seasons this year since last year she was pretty oblivious.

Matt has taken on the hobby of brewing his own beer. We've already gone through one batch and it is delicious (according to our standards). We both share a love for the rich, hoppy beers and that is exactly what came out of his first batch. He has started both his second and third batches which involve a little more creativity on his part. And based on the taste he gave me yesterday, the second batch is going to be even better than the first.

We're still in the waiting game during the process of buying our house. I tell myself it will all be worth it in the end, but right now it's hard to see the finish line. We had a meeting on Friday and minds were put at ease that progress is continually being made. I guess our job right now is to be patient. We are looking at other houses just to see what else is out there right now, and Matt and I are both pretty confident that this is our best option. So that feels good.

Our dear cat Tinner ran away a little over a month ago on our 3rd wedding anniversary and we miss her a lot. Matt and I were never cat people, but Tinner was always a member of our family. We continue to get phone calls about spotted cats (we have signs put up around our area) and "strays" so we are thankful for the people that are looking.

These months have been flying by and the kids are growing like weeds. Stella is talking more and more every day. She is such a chatterbox. She absorbs so much of what we say and so much of what is going on around her. She loves the movie Finding Nemo and TV shows Wonder Pets, Franklin, and Little Bear. She loves to sing and when she wants me to sing too she'll say, "Momma, like this...Winko Winko witto star". She has a high degree of curiosity as well as a very short temper. If she can't figure something out, like a puzzle, she will get very frustrated and throw it and scream. We joke that she gets that from Matt. She is also very thoughtful and independent. I've been reading "Loving our Kids on Purpose". It was reccommended to me by a friend and it's about loving your children the way God loves us... by giving them freedom. It's really helped me lately in parenting Stella since she is a very strong willed child. I know she has so much potential and I don't want to squash it by being a controlling helocoptor parent. My anxiety in this department has gone down significantly since giving her a little space to explore and make mistakes in a safe setting. Matt is better at this than I am.

Wyatt is getting so big and so very alert! He is definitely a Momma's boy, but loves watching motorcycles with his dad too. I can't imagine our family without this little guy. So far, he seems like the introspective type. Very serious. His smiles will melt you, though. And I could stare all day long at his eyes! I think they are the most beautiful thing in the world.

We are learning to let go a little, here. And getting less and less time to blog. I hope to be more intentional.

Enjoy the sunshine.

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