Sunday, January 2, 2011

5 months later.

Dear Wyatt,

On Christmas day you turned five months old. You are finally starting to show off your true colors. You are funny! You are my "aw-shucks" little boy. You've always loved your Momma, but you are becoming very enthralled with your Daddy. You need "guy time" now. Daddy takes you to go check on the beer and watch "guy shows" and talk "guy talk". You get so excited when he gets home.

It doesn't bother you that you are the second child in this house. You make sure everyone says hello to you, and not just Stella. You lean forward towards the person and stare at them intently. You adore your sister and constantly watch what she is doing and where she is going... and she usually stops and gets right in your face to give you big smiles and kisses.

You can sit up, but you're still a little wobbly. You've slept one 7 hour stretch which was the longest stretch of your life! Momma's excited about that one. Today, your first tooth cut through and you're not very happy about it. You eat oatmeal before bed, but otherwise rely on Momma for milk. We finally got you to take a bottle again, but you're not excited about it.

Wyatt, we love you so much! We love to see the little person you are becoming and it is the perfect addition to our crazy little family.

Happy 5 months sweet boy!

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